
Below is my first draft of the assignment. Despite the organization of the essay being fine, I needed to be more concise with the history and background of the reservations. I also needed to add more evidence for the argument of preserving the land to balance the essay.

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Question: Are there any changes you would make to your essay? The chronicle essay was an interesting process, due to the many steps I had to take. This essay required ultimately three drafts, each adding more sections to the timeline that the essay followed. The careful writing of this essay allowed me to ensure all my thoughts were added in clearly and the structure of my essay was easily understood. However, by taking too much time on this essay, I began to second-guess my writing choices. Although some of the changes I made did improve my writing, others were questionable. …

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Question: Where there any challenges in writing your essay? If so, how did you overcome them? Writing this essay was an engaging yet difficult process as I faced many challenges. Out of all the issues I was met with, two were the most time-consuming: organization and reasoning. Deciding on how to organize my essay was the first step to overcome. There were many topics, terms, and ideas I had to touch up on before starting to write about the two main arguments. I had to include background and definitions but was unclear on the best way to approach the writing …

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